In the depths of an enchanted ocean, where the sunlight dances upon the waves, lies a necklace of ethereal beauty. Gleaming pearls, as pure as moonlig...
In the depths of an enchanted ocean, where the sunlight dances upon the waves, lies a necklace of ethereal beauty. Gleaming pearls, as pure as moonlight, intertwine with vibrant peridots, capturing the essence of nature's harmony. Each gemstone reflects the tranquility of the sunset sea, while the delicate silver chain embraces the wearer with elegance. This necklace is a testament to the allure of the ocean's depths and the enchantment it holds within its shimmering treasures. This necklace has 0.365 ct of 7 peridots and 50.35 ct of 11 pearls in 3.17 gm of silver.